Thursday, May 30, 2013

Found a Home (Genre)?

My Search for My Books' Genres
I have been wondering if I fit in a genre. One reader of Trail Swap stated that he did not know it was a YA (Young Adult) book. Although I have read some YA, I did not think of Trail Swap as being YA. Then I thought of an interview I had done in the last few months. One of the questions the interviewer asked me was, "What do many people not know about you?" I gave him a list of things. One of my statements was, "I will forever be 25." (This has become even more evident as I supervise 25 year olds and I constantly have to snap myself into reality that I am not their age. They remind me constantly, and it will be reflected in their performance evaluations.)

With these new developments. I think I have found a home for some of my books. NEW ADULT FICTION!

Wikipeida: New Adult (NA) fiction is a developing genre of fiction with protagonists in the 18-25 age bracket. The term was first coined by St. Martin's Press in 2009 when they held a special call for “…fiction similar to YA that can be published and marketed as adult—a sort of an ‘older YA’ or ‘new adult’.”[1] New Adult fiction tends to focus on issues such as leaving home, developing sexuality, and negotiating education and career choices.

I first came upon this concept in Heather Topham Wood’s blog post
Heather's Book Chatter: 5 Reasons to Write New Adult. Heather is the author of the paranormal romance Second Sight series and another book titled The Disappearing Girl.

I find that I am an author who is drawn to coming of age stories, college years, struggling toward independence, etc. This could be one of my genre's.

What do you think about the New Adult Fiction Genre?
What books stand-out to you in this category?

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