Formal training? I had a kick-ass creative writing course in high school. I wrote a seventeen page historical fiction in fifth grade. I have journals and journals filled of stories and memoirs. That is not enough to shape me as a writer.
I have read a half-trunk full of writing books. I have read a minivan full of books. I have read a lot of blogs, forums and articles on writing. I read most if not all of JA Konrath's Blog. His blog has helped me a lot with conceptualizing the ebook world and marketing world.
I have read books by authors about writing. I read about finding the core of my story, character development, marketing, networking, tactics of writing, being creative and finding inspiration. I recently stumbled upon an post by Chuck Palahniuk Chuck Palahniuk's 13 Writing Tips. Read it. It is good. If you have never read Chuck's work you should. He is the author of Fight Club. Yes, it is a book as well as a movie. He also wrote a book Damned I stumbled upon in my library-ebook-loan excursions. Damn that book was provocative. I loved it! The best part. It took you nowhere and everywhere. It has me rethinking why people are sent to hell.
Ideally, I would love to go to writing workshops and conferences, but the money is not there. I also do not want to have to share within a group and give feedback. I just want to learn. I guess a lecture is good. Or I could sit in a closet and observe a lesson so nobody can see me. I will write more on this later . . .
Since writing workshops are out, I am going to write into my New Year's goals to seek out good writing articles to read. I am starting with Chuck and tackling his Chuck's 36 Writing Essays.
What do you use to better your writing?
Any workshops or conference closets you suggest I hide in?
How do you learn or grow as a writer?
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