Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I am a lover of New Year's Resolutions. There can be many reasons for this. First, my birthday is New Year's Eve. So not only is it a new year but it is a new age for me, so I am doubly enticed to look at my life for new goals and what I have achieved. Second, I am a lover of lists. I make shopping lists, lists of movies I want to see, lists of things to do, etc. One of my favorite gifts I got was a vertically skinny book make out of unique, thick paper and entitled "The Book of Lists." Third, I am someone who likes to see how much I can accomplish. I love to challenge myself and I am striving to do better and be better.
Here is the dilemma. Last year, I had one goal. The goal was to publish a book. It was a lifetime goal that I have had. Not only did I publish a book, but I published two books AND accomplished some goals that I had on my list for a while.
List of Things I Accomplished in 2012
I lost over 50 lbs.
I ate better
I exercised
I got married
I published a book
I accomplished a lot in 2012 and that was after just setting one goal. The dilemma then lies in do I go with my love of writing lists and write a list of things for 2013? Or do I have one goal and hope the success continues?
I already have a list in my head of things I want to accomplish. I guess I will have to make a list of pros and cons about this. 

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