I just sent and excerpt for a feature on author Jamie Marchant's blog. I will keep you posted when my interview is up on her blog. I thought it would be good to put an excerpt on my blog. Comment and let me know what you think.
After being
forced to run into a high-risk prison tunnel, a fearless woman uses the two
officers who chased her in there to help her escape. - Tunnel W
Excerpt from Tunnel W by Michele M. Reynolds
FREE On Smashwords HERE
"I can't believe they bucketed
me,” she thought. She never thought she would be a Relo. She swore she would
not be a victim, but here she was captured and eating carpet. The carpet
smelled like rock salt. Her face look toward the front seat. She could see a
dime under the black seat. Her hands were strapped behind her back by
electronic cuffs. Four large shoes attached to two large people were on her
back and legs.
"It is hard enough to sit up
from this position, let alone fight," she thought. "That's probably
why they have me like this." She was glad she had positioned her belt
buckle to her left hip. Nobody ever wears their belt buckle in the center
anymore in case of being bucketed. Bucketed that is what they call being thrown
in the back of a car with bucket seats.
She didn't even remember that it
was the 1st of the month. She had been told by elders that the 1st of the month
used to just meant turning your calendar to a new picture of a cute kitten or
beautiful landscape. Now it means that you better turn and run and watch your
back. You never knew when it was going to be your turn to be bucketed. It was a
1 in a 1,000 chance in her city.
There was a sharp pain in her knee.
"Lay off the knee you
Swabby!" she managed to yell from the floor mats. The Swabby on her knee
lifted up his or her feet and placed them lower on her calf. The Swabby with
her feet on her back pushed harder and leaned down close to her head.
"Listen here, Relo," the
Swabby said through her gritted teeth. "We don't have to take anything
from you. We have lost many lives during transfer. It is nothing to us. We can
hit you again if you want."
"Look Amazon, let's not let
the estrogen run wild in here," she answered. "No reason for me to
piss all over your van." Then that Swabby grabbed her hand and twisted it
hard. A surge went up her arm, but she refused to scream.
"Easy," the other Swabby
said. It was a young man's voice. "She will bring us a lot of points. She
is in good shape. I need the points, so easy, easy."
"Hear that sweetie,"
Amazon Swabby said. "Your lucky my partner here is sticking up for
"Look just take these cuffs
off me, and you and I can go toe to toe, Amazon," she answered. Amazon
Swabby scoffed.
"Nothing like that will
happen," the male Cutie Swabby interjected. "I have the taser on the
highest level.” She heard the clicking of the taser gun. "Got it?"
"Got it," she answered.
"Hey, can we at least stop for some fries?" She loved that saying.
She had no idea what fries tasted like, but remembered them from some old
1990's movies.
"Get her prints," Amazon Swabby
ordered. Guy Swabby grabbed her hands and gently slid her fingers into
something that felt like have a soft, plastic glove. The glove tightened on her
hand and she smiled.
"Whaaaat?" Cutie Swabby
"Is it one of those hard to
pronounce names," Amazon Swabby asked as her voice trailed. She was
looking out the back window.
"Nope," Cutie Swabby
"Fingerprints removed?"
Amazon Swabby asked.
"Nope there are fingerprints
alright," Cutie Swabby answered. "According to this, she is five
"Let me see that," Amazon
Swabby answered as she grabbed the fingerprint translator from him. "Okay,
so Janis Joplin, Cassie Cain, Penny Parker, Harriet Truman and Alannah Scott.
So which one is it honey?" Amazon Swabby called down to her and dug the heel
of her boot into her back.
“Take your pick,” she answered as
she chuckled.
“How do people address you?” Cutie
Swabby asked. He actually seemed puzzled.
“They don't,” she answered.
“I am sending this in about Ms.
Five here,” Amazon Swabby said.
“Sindi, we. . . what,” Cutie Swabby
said and then whispered. “I have never run into this.”
This statement was followed by
silence. She heard some light ticking on something and realized Sindi was
probably typing a message into base.
“Vizio, they said to take her into
Tunnel W,” Sindi said.
“What?” Vizio asked. “Is that
necessary? She is just a . . . girl.”
“Orders,” Sindi said.
She lay on the floor under their
feet with just the sounds of the road funneling through her left ear. She could
see the black shoes of the driver up front. The driver's right foot pushed on
the gas and left foot tapped lightly as if to the beat of music. She thought
about how music, singing, and dancing helped people through many tough times.
She thought about busting into song but knew that would drive Sindi's heel
harder into her back.
She was going to Tunnel W. It must
be a terrifying place. She heard the quiver in Vizio's voice. The car turned
onto a gravel road. Sindi moved forward and tapped the hard, plastic divider
between the back and front seat.
“Tunnel W!” Sindi yelled. The car
veered a hard right.
As her face lay against the rug,
she felt her adrenaline kick in. She slowly started moving her wrists back and
forth trying to loosen the restraints. She attempted to pull her wrists away
from each other the restraints got tighter.
“Sweetie, you are going to get your
wrists cut-off if you keep struggling. So struggle all you want,” Sindi
“They are mechanical, electronic
ya' know,” Vizio said. “Stop struggling.”
She said nothing. They stopped and
she could hear the driver roll down the window and share words with someone. It
sounded like two guys speaking. She tried to lift her head and to look at the
guard. Sindi pushed her feet into her slamming her to the floor.
“Easy there Amazon!” she said.
“Save it for your husband.”
“You know you will get what you
deserve. You should be scared,” Sindi's voice grew to a whisper. “I wouldn't
even step foot into Tunnel W.”
A small horn sounded and she heard
what she thought was a gate opening. Her adrenaline was kicking in faster. She
steadied her breathe, closed her eyes, and smiled. The car stopped and Sindi
got out first. As she stepped out she put extra pressure on her captives back,
and pushed the palm of her hand into the back of her captive's head. Sindi
slammed the door shut.
“Easy now,” Vizio said. “Don't make
me zap you.” Vizio opened the door. “Ok get up on your knees and I will guide
you out.” She got on her knees. Vizio grabbed her wrists and pulled her
backwards out of the van.
Vizio led her a few steps away from
the van. Before her stood a man in a brown suit, another man in what seemed to
be a guard uniform, and a woman about six feet tall. She guest the woman was
Sindi. Vizio stood behind her still holding her wrists that were fastened
behind her.
“This her?” the man in the suit
asked. He had brown and gray hair and a receding hairline. His face wore many
“This is she,” she answered.
“Feisty huh?” the suit asked.
“Yes, sir,” Vizio answered. “But no
problem picking her up. I am thinking that this must be some misunderstanding.
I don't think she is Tunnel W level.”
“Officer?” the suit man asked as he
looked at Sindi.
“No problem, just a big mouth,
sir,” she answered. With that the man in the business suit waived the guard off
and the guard walked over to a booth 100 feet away. She looked around her. They
were in the middle of what looked like a common. In front of her was a wall
made of gray, square rocks. It looked to be about 200 feet tall. In the middle
of wall was an opening with an arced entryway. Behind her was the road from
which she came down. There was a weird blue hue that tainted the trees and
“Surrounded by a force field,”
Vizio whispered to her. “You don't want to get within ten feet of that.”
A few guards emerged from a
building attached to the wall. They were about 100 yards away. She looked back
at the man in the business suit. He was squinting with the sun behind her. He
reached into his jacket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on.
“Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“I am assuming I should,” she
“Yes you should,” he answered. “I
am High Commander, Sam Day. I run the tunnels.”
“You must be fit,” she answered.
“You know all that running.”
He let out a short laugh and said,
“Now your turn.”
“Turn?” she asked.
“Turn to introduce yourself,” he
answered. “That was rather clever with your aliases.”
“Did you guys know them?” Sam asked
Vizio and Sindi.
“No sir,” Vizio answered and Sindi
just shook her head.
“One of them was a druggie a
hundred years ago,” Sam said.
“Janis Joplin, musician,” she said
over her shoulder to Vizio. He tightened his grip on her wrists.
“One of them was the name for cat
woman or bat woman or something,” Sam continued.
“Cassie Cain,” she said as she turned
to Sindi. “She would kick your ass.” Sindi's lips formed a snarl.
“Then there were two names that
were tough,” Sam said. “But with some time I found it. The female versions of
Spiderman and the Green Lantern.”
“Nobody reads comics anymore. It is
such a shame,” she said as she moved her wrist apart and the restraints got
“Stop squirming,” Vizio whispered.
“I can't loosen them on you.”
The guards were only 20 yards from
them at this time. One of the guards slowed as he saw her. He put his arm out
and stopped the other guard and seemed to say something to him.
“And then there was Tubman,” Sam
said as he looked at her.
“Queen of the underground
railroad,” she said to all of them.
The approaching guards turned pale
and reached for their weapons. She was the only one that noticed the fear in
their eyes.
“Rebel,” one of the approaching
guards said. “Rebel!” he yelled. Sam's eyes went wide. Vizio tightened his grip
on her wrists.
“Rebel?” Sam asked. “You?”
Tunnel W is FREE on
Smashwords HERE.