Carl Purdon lives in Pontotoc , Mississippi , just
a handful of miles from where he was born and raised. Pontotoc is halfway
between Tupelo , which
is the birthplace of Elvis, and Oxford , which
was the home of William Faulkner. Since he can’t sing, he writes. Since he’s
not an expert on anything in particular, he writes fiction. In February of 2012
he released his debut novel, The Night Train, and is currently working feverishly with
another cast of characters in a manuscript that has not yet been named.
Assuming he can decide on a title, the novel is set to be released sometime in
May of 2013. Between scenes, Carl blogs about writing, and has an interview series devoted to
all areas of the reading and writing community. He also has a collection of short
stories and poems available on Amazon.
TradeMark Remark: If Carl Purdon was going camping, what would his role be?Firewood Gatherer. For no other reason than I don't want to have to do it.
What kind of programmer are you?
I work for an industrial automation firm. If you’ve
ever been inside a factory and seen machines doing things, that’s the kind of
programs I write. It’s a fun job, but has a tendency to consume too much time –
time I would rather spend writing fiction.
How did you get so many people to
review your book The Night Train?
really don’t know, but I love that they decided to do that. One of my
auto-tweets is a reminder for readers to leave reviews of the books they enjoy,
so maybe that helps. I’ve had so much positive feedback for The Night Train,
much more than the reviews reflect. One of my favorites was right after my wife
donated a copy of my book to our local library. A woman called to tell me she
checked it out and enjoyed it. She said she read that I was from Pontotoc and
looked me up in the phonebook. How awesome is that? Another favorite is that
I’ve had a couple of people tell me they were reading it for a second time. Now
if I could just get more people to buy the thing I might not have to program
those machines.
You stated that one of your
inspirations to get published was the EBOOK REVOLUTION. Can you tell me more
about your experience and predictions regarding Indie Ebook Publications?
I’ve caught a fair amount of flak from some of my
author friends over my reluctance to send my manuscript to a professional
editor. It has even been misinterpreted as a disdain for the occupation, but
it’s really not. It’s a personal thing. It all goes back to when I was a kid
thinking about writing books and having people read my words a hundred years
after I’m dead (yes, I actually thought those things as a child). My words. My
scenes. Not something polished, tweaked, or abridged by someone else. It’s not
ego, it’s passion. It’s not disdain for editors, it’s a desire to create
something and have it stand or fall on its own merit. A while back I saw a
tweet by another author saying a novel was not the work of an individual, but
of a team of professionals. I would stop writing if I felt that way. Honest.
Proofreading and beta reading are something totally different, at least to me.
Of course I need other sets of eyes to check for typos and places where I use there
when I meant their, but the structure, voice, and story have to be mine.
This, to me, is what indie means.
My prediction of the indie and e-book industry is
that it will effectively sideline the big publishing houses and force them to
adapt or go out of business. It is not very much unlike what the internet has
done to the newspaper industry. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to see Random
House go belly up. But I do hope they swing the gates a bit wider.
What has your experience been like as
an new Indie Author? Bumps, Bruises, Highlights, and lessons?
Yes. All of those things, but I have enjoyed every
minute. I learned, for instance, to hire a cover artist. The one I designed in looked great until I saw it on Amazon alongside other books. It only
took a week or so to get a cover professionally designed and uploaded, but I
still cringe when I run across that old image on my laptop.
What have you put most of your effort
into regarding writing?
Writing. It is such a time-consuming task. Even
when I’m not at the keyboard I’m juggling scenes in my head, or running my
characters through different situations to learn how they react. Or, lately,
trying to think of a title for my upcoming release. Second would be my online
presence. Establishing yourself online is crucial, and you shouldn’t wait until
you are published to do it. Most of my social media efforts are with Twitter,
with Facebook trailing somewhere behind that. I’m on many of the other sites,
like Google+, Goodreads, and others, but I have to admit I neglect them. There
simply isn’t enough time to do all those things with a dayjob and an unfinished
manuscript in front of you. And there will always be an unfinished manuscript.
I hope.
How did you get connected with so many
authors for your 10 Question Blog Series?
Twitter mostly. It started out with me finding
interesting people and sending them a DM (private Twitter message) asking if
they would be interested in an interview. I’ve never had anyone decline, though
one or two never responded to my questions. After the first few interviews it
seemed I always had a request or two pending. Authors like being interviewed.
Almost every single time I’ve received an email thanking me for not sending
them stock questions. When I interview another author I make it all about them.
Their book. I don’t try to sneak in links to my own stuff. I found that I
actually enjoy helping other authors promote their work. Most will reciprocate,
and that is why indie is a revolution and not just a concept.
You are shooting for a May finish date
for your new book.
Do you have a title yet?No, and it frustrates me. I joked with someone on Twitter yesterday that I may have to name it with an unpronounceable squiggle, like when Prince changed his name. But then they would have to call it “the book formerly known as untitled” and that probably won’t get much traction. Titles have always been hard for me. I struggled with the title for my first book, too. One morning I woke up and The Night Train hit me out of the blue. I never considered anything else. I’m hoping that happens this time, but time is running out.
What is the book about?
Yes, the elevator question. I’m so bad at this, but
here goes: It’s the story of Oscar “Pap” Jones, an eccentric old man waging a
private war against the furniture factory next door to his rural
What is your favorite part of the book?
The character of Pap. The book started with him.
The name, actually. It popped into my head and wouldn’t leave, then I started
wondering what a man called Pap would be like. Turns out he was quite
interesting to write about once he told me his story. My other favorite part is
Boodie Craig, the antagonist. I love writing villains.
When I read books by other writers, I love it when
a sentence, or phrase, makes me stop and reread it just because it grabbed me
for some odd reason. When I was making my first non-edit pass of my manuscript
recently, I caught myself rereading like that a couple of times. I hope I can
grab my readers that way. That’s what writing is all about. Sentences really
can be art sometimes.
What book (already in existence) did
you wish you had written?
Wow, that’s tough. One that has sold millions and
been turned into a movie. I wouldn’t mind being rich. Traveling the world, then
going home to a cabin somewhere in the mountains. I’ve always said I would
rather be remembered than rich, though, so maybe One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s
Nest. It is such a power story, with unforgettable characters. Or maybe A
Tale of Two Cities for its status as a classic. Possibly The Pioneers
because it is the novel that renewed my love of reading so many years ago.
The Night Train on Amazon:
Collected Stories and Poems:
Facebook Author page:
Thanks, Michele. It was a fun interview and your questions were very good. I hope my answers did them justice.
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