A lot of people have a preconceived notion on what poetry is...Well I'm here to try and change peoples minds. My writing is honest, raw, down to earth and very far from being pretentious.
-Marc D. Brown
Hi Marc thanks for agreeing to be interviewed.
On your blog you write about the
difference between being and Indie book author and a writer of poetry how has
it been finding a community of Indie poets?
To be honest I haven’t found a community of Indie
Poets, partly because I’m sure I haven’t looked hard enough but also because I
don’t want to be categorized. I don’t plan to only write poetry forever…it’s
just something that comes natural to me so I find it easier. A lot of my poems
have taken a matter of minutes to write (although it can be another week or 2
before inspiration hits me again haha). But yeah..i like the online communities
I’m currently a part of as it helps me learn a hell of a lot more. With fiction
been a bigger market there’s more ways to promote, more places to promote and
more people are willing to give you a chance. Throughout the last year I’ve
learn a lot from other authors and eventually when I put pen to paper to start
a novel…I will have more knowledge than I would have just staying in poetry
groups. How long have you been writing poetry? What drew you to poetry?
I’ve been writing poetry and lyrics since I was about 16 years of age, the first time I had my heart broken of course haha. It was just a better way to vent anger and frustration.
I noticed you had a couple thousand page
views on your blog. How do you get so many views on your blog?
Other people would probably
say relentless spamming but I prefer to call it constant advertising, with the
way things are today, meaning EVERYONE can be an author I think it’s better to
try stay in peoples focus as much as possible and I also hope the readers have
enjoyed what I’ve written.
TradeMark Remark: If Marc D. Brown was on a camping trip what would his job be?
In Charge of the Music
Do you consider yourself a successful writer? If so, why? If not, when would you consider yourself successful?
I’m as far away from success than I ever could be at the moment. The vast majority of downloads I’ve had with my books have been over the KDP Free days only a hand full of people have taken the chance and bought the books. I think it’s because it poetry and a lot people think that all poetry is the same. It’s not!
You wrote that the marketing aspect of Indie writing was "repetitive." Have you found any tricks or aspects of marketing that has been helpful?
Hahaha yeah it can leave my eyes tired at times putting the same information on countless listing sites and blogs BUT…I strangely enjoy it! I like the hope you get whilst your pushing your work thinking “within the next week…thousands of people could actually know my name” It’s great!
Tell us about your books.
Jees…it’s like trying to write my product description all over again haha.
Well ‘An Introduction to
Marc D Brown’ was my first and as the title says it’s an introduction to me and
my thought process. It’s a dark place to be fair but I like it! My writing to
me is honesty in its truest form each poem represents love, pain, hurt,
violence, addiction, loss of hope…it’s life but in little poems and though who
ever reads the book may just think it’s about me, it’s not! I guarantee
everyone who reads it WILL find a poem or two that they can relate to.
The poems themselves I feel
are more mature and darker in some respects although more subtle.
What does the future hold for Marc D Brown? Goals?
I don’t really know what it holds for me but I’ll keep writing no matter what. I one day hope to maybe make a bit of extra money each month just to make everyday living that little bit easier. It’d be amazing not having to worry if I have enough money for a bill or stressing over the fact I may not have enough petrol in the car to get to work this week.
So just a little income
boost would be amazing for my wife and I!
If you were stranded on an island but
had all your survival necessities (food, water, shelter, etc), what four
additional things would you bring?
An mp3 player with the
following albums pre-installed – The Doors – Strange Days// Every Time I Die –
Hot Damn// American Head Charge – The War of Art.
A packet of Bic Crystal Grip
ball point pens
A thick note pad and…erm….
sun cream
Thanks for the interview. Good luck on your
writer's voyage!
Find Marc D. Brown's Books HERE.
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