Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting Noticed as a Writer

Being a writer can be a lonely craft. I seldom get noticed. I have gotten noticed by friends and family. I have had strangers do reviews and say wonderful things. Recently, I had a lot of wonderful feedback from Beta Readers. Last and most recently, I have been noticed by publishers through a media event online.

I had three publishers ask to see my manuscript. I am not throwing a party yet but it feels great. I recently took part in a Twitter party thrown by Brenda Drake. It was a twelve hour party BYOB on Twitter where authors had 140 characters to interest agents and publishers in their books. The rules were you were only allowed to Tweet on the #PitMad (Pitch Madness) twice an hour. I was unfortunately sick that day so I Tweeted at 8am and then a few times from 5pm to 8pm.

When I got on at 5pm there were over a hundred Tweets a minute. I don't go on Twitter much but that seemed like a lot. People were posting that they were Favorited by agents and publishers. My posts sat lonely with one person re-tweeting. The next morning I checked my Twitter and three requests came through!

I sent my manuscript of Love's Autograph to them along with a query and I am not in the 2-6 week waiting phase (so much fun). I know it could be a long-shot that I get some sort of offer but it is exciting. There is of course something exciting about getting noticed as a writer. Cross your fingers!

Have you gotten notice recently?
Who noticed you? How did you get noticed?

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