Xunaira Javed is from Islamabad ,
Pakistan and is author of
The Cursed City and is co-author of Mia's Confession (available HERE on Amazon). She has written short stories on Helium and when
younger wrote for US Magazine. She is
currently attending SZABIST (Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science
and Technology, Islamabad ) working
on her Bachelors in Mobile and
Ubiquitous Computing.
TradeMark Remark: If Xunaira was on a camping trip, what would her role be?
Something to do with Computers.
Written by Xunaira Javed
On Becoming a Writer
As a writer, we all need is some sort of inspiration and
motivation to step into the world and make our way through it. Think, Dream and
Write. These three words that motivated me since I was a kid, going through my
grade school, here in the capital of
My mother, she is a very gifted writer, therefore I believed
myself to be the recipient of the same gene. Anyhow, I passed through grade
school, then high school and finally stepped into the university, studying a
completely different major than what I wanted. I pursued computer science,
majoring in mobile and ubiquitous computing. Don't get scared, it's isn't
difficult as it sounds to be. It is actually quite interesting when you are
making applications and learning languages.
On Writing & Publishing
My English professor just gave
me a hint as to I should try my hand at writing a novel but still, I felt shy.
I did not believe that I was capable of such a thing but gradually I looked
beyond the shyness and uncertainty and decided to give my hand at writing.
Amazon Kindle is quite popular with the new generation around here, many of
Pakistani authors are published through this platform. So I thought, “Why
shouldn't I give self-publishing a try?”
My short stories, which I started off with Helium, were
definitely liked by many as I could see by the stats and even the blogs were
received well. The Cursed City hasn't
been that popular with the audience but I'm sure, with more time I would be
able to bring you more refined stories that are heart felt and entertaining. I
am sure, all of you out there, would check it out and help me make my way
through the e-publishing.
Sneak-Peak at New Book
This excerpt is from my upcoming novel The Cryptic Murderer. This is an adult genre, a crime thriller with
the main heroine, Aida, suffering from the after effects of a murdered family.
She is the witness to her mother's death and the elopement of her sister which
results in her falling into a depressions so bad that she leaves everything and
practically starts living near the graves of her mother and sister.
Then, as the story opens she moves to Singapore
where she meets someone, who is an undercover FBI agent and tells her about her
life being in danger. Not trusting him, she ignores him and moves on but she
gets kidnapped.
Haashir has 24/7 surveillance on her so that she is kept safe. He is tall, dark and handsome and as Aida spends time with him, she realizes that there is more to them than friendship. Events occur which bring them into the line of fire where their acquaintance, friendship and eventually love is challenged.
rushed in his ears as he held the sight in front of him. She was a pretty
damsel, sleeping like a baby, and he was going to kill her. Her flawless skin
looked like pure white satin against the cool linen sheets of her frilly bed.
Her rosy lips were pale from sleep and her long russet eyelashes rested on her
cheeks like pale butterflies. She was at peace. Gulping down the sudden surge
of bile in his throat, he removed a sharp-tipped butcher’s knife from inside
his jacket. His eyes on her, he stepped closer to her bed, ready to get the job
done. Sighing, she turned on her side, her hazel-green eyes looking directly
into his chocolate brown ones. He stood rooted to the floor, his emotions were
in a turmoil as he felt something for this girl, maybe it was pity or remorse,
he wasn't sure. He was a serial killer, who studied his subjects thoroughly
before going for the kill, and this instant he had ignored these facts because
his prey was just a teenage girl. Closing his eyes against the pain in his
chest, he placed one hand on her mouth to muffle her scream and went straight
for her throat. The spurt of blood on his hands appeased his raging emotions
and he lost his mind to everything, except the blood gushing out of her vein.
next to a tomb, he saw the funeral procession inch by. He could see the crying
faces of the family members and the sad, forlorn looks ones of close friends.
Every one of them mourned her. He was mesmerized with the teenage girl he had
just murdered but that hadn’t broken his iron resolve to kill her. His next
target was the older sister. How would they feel, when the second one will be
in another coffin like this?
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